Friday, March 4, 2011

GUIDELINES: It is the Time When...

Today I have been cleaning up a storm - I have this need to keep myself busy today. While sweeping here and polishing there, my heart and my thoughts and prayers are still with Annabelle.
When is it the right time to put a much-loved pet down? While it might seem that there is no right time, I've come to think that with lots of prayer and thought, maybe there is. So when is this "right time"? What I offer are guidelines to consider as you try and come up with a decision that is best for your sweet pet and yourself.

It is time when death starts seeming more a loving and gentle blessing than a curse, when you start praying for a blessed release and relief from pain for your pet. It is time when you look into your pet's eyes, and you know that if they could speak they'd tell you that living has become too hard for them, that while they do not wish to leave you anymore than you wish them to leave, this is what they'd choose for themselves if they could.
It is time when you check on your pet in the morning and hope that God has spirited them away while you slept - and He hasn't, and you know that your pet had another bad night and with no hope it sight other than continual and worsening pain and decline.
It is time when it hurts too much to see them alive and suffering.
It is time when they can no longer eat and drink; when they have all they can do to walk and fall often.
It is time when you know your pet has forever lost its pride and sense of dignity.
The best we can give our much-loved pets is a good life - and a good death. With lots of love, with lots of dignity. Decide for them what you'd want for yourself, if this dying little creature were you. These thoughts are intended for guildelines, to help you figure out for yourself and your pet when to release your loved one to Heaven.
Much Love and Every Good Wish,

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