One of my older hens definitely outdid herself today, and honestly, she acted so darn proud of herself, and rightly so. Look at the size of her egg - it's as big or bigger than a goose egg!! The other eggs in the carton are what would be considered medium or large eggs by grocery-store standards, so I just had to get a photo for comparison.
The shell looks different on that Mother Egg too - it does not have the usual soft glow or bloom to it.
Okay, I just had to crack it open to see what was inside. I'd thought maybe the shell contains triple yokes or at least double. But neither turned out to be the case. I got the fry pan going, and after I melted some butter in the bottom and cracked open the egg, it contained one HUGE yoke, and the entire egg - yoke and whites, took up the entire bottom of the pan. As much egg in that one egg as at least 4 eggs.
Well, I could not get the cover of the egg carton even partically closed with that gigantic egg in it, so I had the egg for supper. :-) Nothing tastes better than a fresh organic egg from your own happy hens. Yum!! :) I figure this huge egg was an early Valentine to me from my hen.
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